Your Friendly Neighborhood Insurance Man

Your Friendly Neighborhood Insurance Man



About Us

Insurance without the proper guidance is confusing. Most individuals go online to multiple websites to get ''quotes''. Really what they end up getting is hundreds of telemarketer calls with pushy sales people just trying to get them to buy, whether or not that particular product is the right fit for that person. This is where my license and expertise is the difference maker. With my license for the state of Texas I am able to shop almost every public and private option available, as well as exclusive products that my agency alone has access to. The biggest difference between me and every other licensed health insurance agent in Texas is that I continue to service every single client of mine after I find and customize a plan for their needs and budget. My clients work directly with me and not have to just deal with a 1-800 number. Unfortunately we can't mark our calendars for the day we are diagnosed with a major illness or the day we get into a big accident. That's where the value of having the RIGHT insurance plan in place is huge. If you have insurance already, great, lets talk and make sure you know how your coverage will work for you and that you are not overpaying for yourself or your family. If you don't have insurance yet, let's find the plan best suited for your needs and budget!

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Eric Rivera
You Friendly Neighborhood Insurance Agent